Small 500 word fiction piece here for you guys
The sterile nature of the hospital room made Julio uncomfortable. He waited for the arrival of his newborn child. He wiped his sweaty palms on the back of his jeans and sat down on the bed. His breathing was heavy and loud. The emptiness of the room was overwhelming, but it was better than dealing with the family in the waiting room and the uncertainty of telling his father he wouldn’t follow the family name. Camila’s father would be angry knowing he missed the birth of his child.
Julio received the call in the middle of a meeting. He excused himself and left in a hurry. He bought a bouquet of roses at the flower shop across from his office. He drove fast, but found himself driving to the cemetery to visit his dear friend Armando. Armando died in a car accident the night of Julio’s wedding. A dispute between the two friends had left Armando upset. The words exchanged that night haunted Julio ever since.
“I’m marrying Camila,” said Julio.
“You don’t even love her,” said Armando.
“You think my father loves my mother? No, but it’s the way our families have arranged it.”
Armando placed his arms on Julio’s shoulders.
“She deserves to know the truth. You owe her that.”
“I don’t owe anyone anything!”
“You are being a coward Julio.”
Julio pushed Armando away from him.
“Why don’t you go stand in the altar right now and tell everyone the wedding is off because you don’t actually love the bride. Even better, why don’t you tell them you are a fucking fag. Let’s see if you can handle the disappointment from a loving mother, the rage and prejudice from a tyrant father like mine. What would I have left? You? You are not worth it Armando.”
Julio placed the bouquet of roses in front of Armando’s tombstone.
“I’m sorry for hurting you.”
“Mr. Rivera.”
Julio turned his attention to the door to find a nurse looking at him.
“Yes, that’s me.”
“Your wife and child are on their way,” said the nurse.
He ran to the bathroom and threw up until his stomach felt empty. The smell of disinfectant only turned his stomach more, but there was nothing left inside. He heard a crying baby in the distance and knew it was time. He quickly got up and rinsed his mouth with water, almost forgetting to flush the toilet.
“Julio,” called his wife.
His wife was sitting on a wheelchair holding a small crying child.
“It’s a boy,” said his wife.
He carefully took the baby from his wife.
“He is so small,” whispered Julio.
“He is going to be a great Julio Andres Rivera,” said his wife.
Julio looked straight into the baby’s blue eyes. He no longer felt afraid.
“He looks so innocent, Camila. He is going to be a great Armando Rivera.”
“But what about your father? Your family name.” asked Camila
“It’s time for new traditions.”